Bold Hair for the Beautiful Bride

If you’re searching for inspiration for your wedding day hairstyle you’ve likely seen pages and pages of beautiful blond curls, and long voluminous braids. For many of us, these hairstyles aren’t achievable at all, and for many others, these hairstyles don’t represent an aesthetic that they feel fits them. These bold, and unique brides had no fear being themselves on their big day. Your hair doesn’t define you, but it’s a part of your identity, and you shouldn’t feel you have to change that to feel like a bride.

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Unique Guestbook Ideas: Beyond the Book

After months of planning, and stressing the details, you want to make sure you remember your wedding day. Guestbooks are traditionally a great way for family and friends to leave behind memories from the wedding, but most modern couples aren’t looking for a simple name and good luck message from there friends and family. It is now important to couples that they find meaningful ways to include family and friends favorite memories from the day. These ideas will give you the opportunity to find a unique way for friends and family to leave you with lasting memories from your wedding day.

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